Things to know about Your Wedding Photographers

One thing you will probably notice that really stands out when looking at photographers websites is that their prices vary wildly. Should we assume that if one charges $10K and another charges $2K, the more expensive one will be five times better? Should be at least better, ya think? Guess what…prices aren’t necessarily commensurate with quality.
I could (and probably will) devote an entire future article to why prices vary so greatly. However, if a photographer is high priced, you should have a reasonable expectation of great work. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect good work at any price, but with one exception:
The exception is that with novices, you’d be wise to lower your expectations.
I’m starting to see some newbie photographers on Craigslist who are advertising shooting for free. Obviously, they are just trying to build a portfolio and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m not saying a noob won’t do a good job. Although we all have to start somewhere, it’s your memories of what I’m sure you are hoping is a once-in-a-lifetime-event, so, just be cautious. I recommend using a novice photographer only if that is all you can possibly afford.
Read more: 10 Things Brides And Grooms Should Know About Photographers Via Huffington Post