Five Tips for How to Plan the Perfect Proposal!
The lights dim, the violins play, suddenly you’re down on one knee and with your heart in your throat and tears of joy in her eyes, you utter the words she’d been waiting for. “Will you marry me?”
Women dream of the moment they get to choke out, between joyful sobs and uncontrollable giggles the word “YES! Of course I’ll marry you.” And we know it can be a bit scary, but the proposal is all about happiness and union. Don’t fret, no matter how you ask, it will always be perfect. And to help, just a little, here are a few tips gathered from the experts.

- Ask Dad (or Mom): We know it seems a little antiquated, and probably a bit terrifying (if you’re not on the best terms) but nowadays it’s much more a gesture than a requirement. You’re not asking for permission, but asking them to join in on this very special moment. You’re taking them into account and already bridging the family gap. And while you’re special girl may not have put this on your radar 83% of women would like their dad to be asked beforehand, and 25% would love to have their mothers included too. If you need a little more reassurance check out theartofmanliness.com
- Find the Perfect Ring: While there is a vast percentage of couples who collaborate on finding the perfect ring, there is a bit of magic in opening a ring box she’s never seen to reveal the ring of her dreams you chose yourself. It can be a bit daunting, here’s a few fail-safe tips. Play James Bond and snag one of her rings to size her up, sneak a peek at her Pinterest page and scope out her style and if all else fails have her friends do a little detective work on your behalf! (We’ve also got some helpful posts on the 4Cs here)
- Make it a Surprise! We cannot stress this enough! The *gasp* moment requires a little romance and a lot of shock and awe! While marriage might be in the cards and she might even be expecting a proposal make sure the moment of is out of left field. 88% of women say that the ‘surprise factor’ is majorly important.
- Catch it on Film! Or digital recording device, or Polaroid, get it carved in stone!!! It doesn’t matter how you do it, just be sure there is someone or something there to witness and capture the special moment. Her expression will be priceless and except for her look on your wedding day nothing will compare. We suggest hiring a professional photographer, who can discreetly and candidly capture the moment. They’ll know what they’re doing and know the best angles. Better yet, you can have an impromptu engagement shoot!
- Don’t Forget to Ask the Question: Though the ring, fancy dinner, nice suit and wobbly knees are a dead giveaway don’t forget to actually pop the big question. 68% of women say that the actual question “Will you marry me?” is essential and another 29% say it’s not a deal breaker but they’d prefer to hear it.
For some inspiration check out The Knot’s top 50 proposal ideas, How He Asked’s expert advice tab, and The Art of Manliness!