Attention ADHD Sufferers – Is There Really a Best ADHD Treatment?

Attention ADHD Sufferers – Is There Really a Best ADHD Treatment?

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a biological condition of the brain involving the neurotransmitters (brain messengers) dopamine, norepinephrine, and perhaps serotonin with a genetic backdrop. It impacts as many as one out of four school-aged children and at least one in twenty adults. It is estimated that most classrooms have at least two students who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, providing extra challenges for the educators involved and pulling resources away from the other children who may need extra help. So it is no surprise that finding the best ADHD treatment is on the list of so many parents of ADHD children and teachers alike.

In ones quest to find the best ADHD treatment or there are many numbers of questions that must be answered. Once answers are found the results must be weighed with the potential benefits. For example, the most often prescribed prescription medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in both children and adults are stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine, Provigil, and Cylert. They have been shown to improve ADHD symptoms about eighty percent of the time but the list of side effects include tics, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, headaches, stomach upset, irritability, mood swings, depression, dizziness, and a racing heartbeat. Most doctors are animated in their belief that stimulants are the best ADHD treatment and point to the fact that fewer than ten percent of those taking these medications suffer any side effects whatsoever.

Psychologists, on the other hand, are not as convinced throwing much of their weight behind behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavioral counseling. Pointing to a recent study comparing stimulants and CBT that found CBT to be as effective in treating symptoms while producing longer lasting results. So for many psychologists and psychotherapists, behavior modification therapy is considered to be the best ADHD treatment.

At first, I thought that the medicine did not affect me. But attending physician explained that its effect comes only after a few days of treatment. Zoloft is easily tolerated by the body and is not intended for severe psychological disorders. Those, it is just the right thing for me.

The third group throwing their hat behind a treatment option are those in the field of natural health who as somewhat spit as to what actually is the best ADHD treatment. Instead, they advocate a plan which includes homeopathic and/or herbal remedies, diet modification, proper nutrition, along with lifestyle adjustment techniques. In evaluating this alternative it is important to remember that the number one rule in the naturopathic oath is to do no harm.

In summary, whether it is stimulant medications, behavioral therapy, or natural remedies for ADHD what we do know is that that certain combination of the above therapies tends to improve overall results. For example, when behavioral therapy is combined with either stimulant medications or homeopathy the overall results climb about ten percent. In conclusion, the best treatment for ADHD is not a single treatment option but finding the proper combination of treatment options that work best for you or your child’s particular situation without producing the unpleasant side effects so often associated with prescription medications.

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