3 Subtly Obvious Ways to Hint @ the Engagement Ring You Want
Engagement rings and proposals are tricky because, of course, you want the proposal to be a complete surprise but, of course, you want the ring that you want. How do you find a happy medium between the two that doesn’t include you shopping for your own engagement ring with your future fiance? Some women prefer that approach which is great! For others, here are a few tips for leaving subtle, yet obvious clues as to exactly what engagement ring makes your heart sing.
1. Tape a Picture to the Fridge
So simple. So obvious. Slightly devious. What person doesn’t visit their fridge at least once a day? This is especially subtle if you both have a lot of things on your fridge like magnets and pictures. Sneak in a pic of an engagement ring you’ve printed out from online or cut out of a magazine.
2. Tag Them Online
Ahh the beauty of the digital age. See an engagement ring you love on Facebook, Twitter, or IG? Tag your sweetheart and call it a day!
3. Wear A Ring Similar to the One You Want
Sometimes you have to just put it all out there. If you just so happen to see a sterling silver copy of the ring you want or something similar, buy it, wear it and make sure he notices. One of the girls here in our office did that and she said he definitely got the hint. So why not give it a shot?
How did you make sure your fiancè got the ring you wanted? Any clever tricks and tips to share? Let us know in the comments!